Lieutenancy area

This map shows the lieutenancy county boundaries of Aberdeenshire, Banffshire and Kincardineshire. Each county has its own Lord-Lieutenant. Aberdeenshire is represented by Alexander Philip Manson, Banffshire by Mr Andrew Simpson and Kincardineshire by Mr Alastair Macphie. Aberdeen City is represented by The Lord Provost Mr David Cameron.

Honours and Awards overview

The honours system offers public recognition to people in all walks of life and all sections of society who have given quite exceptional service and made a difference in their community or in the country. There are several different types of award, each one recognising a different type of contribution.

The British honours system is one of the oldest in the world. It has evolved over 650 years and today recognises merit, gallantry and service. Honours lists are published twice a year at New Year and in mid-June on the date of The Queen’s official birthday.

Anyone can receive an award if they reach the required standard of merit or service, and honours lists contain a wide variety of people from different backgrounds. Anyone can nominate someone for an award but it is important to note that longevity in a position is not sufficient in itself and that honours are not usually awarded after someone has retired.

Access to the required form and further information can be obtained from the Government website.

The honours system recognises people who have:

  • made achievements in public life
  • committed themselves to serving and helping Britain

They will have made life better for other people or be outstanding at what they do.

The nominations are considered by the Nominations Committee. The Committee’s recommendations are presented to the Prime Minister and then to the King, who awards the honour.