Lieutenancy area

This map shows the lieutenancy county boundaries of Aberdeenshire, Banffshire and Kincardineshire. Each county has its own Lord-Lieutenant. Aberdeenshire is represented by Alexander Philip Manson, Banffshire by Mr Andrew Simpson and Kincardineshire by Mr Alastair Macphie. Aberdeen City is represented by The Lord Provost Mr David Cameron.

The Elizabeth Cross

Elizabeth CrossThe Elizabeth Cross and Memorial Scroll are granted to the Next of Kin of UK Armed Forces personnel who have died on operations or as a result of an act of terrorism in national recognition of their loss and sacrifice. The Elizabeth Cross is not a posthumous medal for the fallen but an emblem demonstrating tangible national recognition for Service families for their loss.

Not all deaths of Service personnel are included in this scheme. The death of any service person, whatever the circumstances, is a tragic loss to his or her family and to the Armed Forces as a whole, but the Elizabeth Cross was instituted specifically to recognise the unique challenges that service personnel face on operations and from terrorism, and the particular burden this places on Service families.

The first Elizabeth Crosses and Memorial Scrolls are to be granted from 1 August 2009 (and will be retrospective to the end of the Second World War). All eligible Next of Kin of those who died between 1 January 1948 to date are strongly advised to apply, although the MOD Medal Office will endeavour to establish contact with the more recent eligible families, where up to date contact details are held. More information can be seen at: